Not BIPOC, human

BIPOC no to racism

Every time I hear that word I absolutely cringe. This awkward and awful sounding term being an acronym for Black, Indigenous, People of Color. While this term may have been concocted for political and “equity” purposes it has none-the-less began to seep into the greater culture and into popular conscience – into one’s personal sense of identity. This marginalizing “BIPOC” people in the process.

The danger with marginalizing is that it has the effect of causing one to subconsciously perceive themselves or those marginalized as inherently abnormal since logically only those abnormal are marginalized, i.e.: no longer forming part of the general population. This is why labeling others was for so long viewed as inappropriate in Western society: because it naturally leads to stigmatizing and to marginalization. With the disappearance of Western culture has come the return of this atrocious practice by today’s racist liberals.

While there may be such a thing as a different, separate and thus marginalized “white race” – this according to the liberals who themselves came up with the concept – there is no such thing as BIPOC or better said there is no need for this ridiculous acronym because it is redundant in our language. The reason for this is because we already have a word for these “BIPOC” individuals. They’re called humans!

Humanus (Latin) from hummus meaning earth, dirt implying man was made from earth: that man is organic, physically born of and forming part of the natural world.

As you can see the term human itself refers to beings that have an earthy and natural quality to them. This lending the understanding that like dirt and like much of the natural environment they too will be pigmented. Pigmentation being a prominent characteristic of many natural elements. Consequently, being “colored” is the norm thus eliminating the need for any special term to refer to these humans. Only humans who do not fit the norm may need a special term to refer to them. Since being white is not normal, nor is it the norm (the majority), then it’s no surprise that these abnormal people eventually created a special term to refer to themselves by and to categorize themselves as separate from the human race.

So if white people want to create a different and marginalizing term for themselves, they have that right, but they have no right to marginalize the majority and those inherently normal with similar labels that imply differentness when there is nothing different about those who constitute the norm. Simply referring to them as human is enough, even in the political sense since politics has no authority to rewrite truth, and the truth is that those “colored” represent the norm in the global sense. There are only humans, and whites (because that’s how they choose to label themselves), and that’s it. Neither politics nor local demographics change that reality.

Terms like BIPOC which work to displace our understanding of terms like human – as well as our understanding of developments like the race theory which served to separate the white race from the rest of the human race in order to commit atrocities against them without moral repercussion – have to be rejected by those who truly strive to be conscientious.

If your concern is truly to fight racism, then do so by rejecting the race theory in its entirety. You do this by restoring your understanding of terms like human and in general through restoring true Western culture in your life, replacing today’s false hypocritically “liberal” Western culture in the process.

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