
The world is burning and it’s all the fault of millennials

No generation has ever been so despised as the millennials and as the generations after them.

At the same time no generation has ever been left so ill-prepared for adult life and, moreover, for preserving and maintaining the legacy of Western civilization. Millennials along with the generations after them have failed as adults and as keepers of the civilization because the older generation has failed them. Children don’t raise themselves. They rely on adults to do that and when the adults fail in their job then the failures of the next generations becomes theirs. Fault lies with the previous generation, not with those of today.

Truth be told the 20th century – the century of many of your parents – was the century of debauchery that itself laid the seeds for today’s dilapidated society. I know. I was there. Not only are millennials not to blame for this dilapidation given that they are themselves a casualty of it as well.

Little do the grandparents or parents want you to know that during the 20th century decadence and attacks against western culture were already well in motion. Many in society knowingly or unknowingly participating in these. At the time these attacks were seen as progressive developments or innocent and inconsequential changes. The romance culture – that is traditional Western culture that you read about in my book – was already being attacked, displaced or disregarded in this era. This culture eventually disappearing by the time the 21st century rolled around.

Unfortunately, this culture formed the very foundation for Western civilization without which we’ve been left with nothing but a cultureless wasteland of barbarous individuals who, at best, struggle to connect with one another or who, at worst, work to outright destroy Western civilization or contribute to its destruction whether economically or politically; through participating in the do-nothing economy like participating in speculation or through joining the growing number of criminals and drug addicts.

Ultimately the blame placed on millennials and newer generations just serves as an attempt to deflect blame and attention from the real problem which is the discontinuation of civilized Western culture by an economic and political establishment that no longer has use for this it since it does not serve their goals. An ethical culture rendering a hardworking society is not the kind of thing you want when you’re instead running an economic system based on speculation, debt and inflation – essentially a system of theft given that all these activities ultimately result in stealing wealth from the working population through diluting the value of the money they work for (i.e.: through inflation). An ethical culture like civilized Western culture would otherwise be comprised of ethical, hardworking folks who would quickly see through such a system and put it out of commission. Consequently, by replacing civil culture with a morally decadent social environment that promotes a thieving work ethic (i.e.: doing little to no work for money) among the general population this will render a society generally complicit in or indifferent towards a corrupt economy. The reason for the destruction of civil culture in the Western world is really that simple.

The USA in particular – because it is a country founded entirely upon capitalism (like China today is founded on communism) – is particularly vulnerable to these kinds of manipulations of culture and society since these exist entirely to serve its economic agenda and its system. So, if capitalism becomes decadent and speculative, then it will coerce society to enter into the same nature regardless of what culture or values any of us would otherwise want for ourselves. None of these assertions are conspiracy theory either – they’re simply logical common-sense conclusions.

So, what can you do about it all? Easy, you can do your part to reject these attempts to eliminate culture by restoring Western culture within your own life. That’s why I’ve written this book: to restore the inheritance of Western culture which today’s young generations were denied. You have the right to know what it is and to decide for yourself whether you want it or not. That decision should not have been made for you by denying you this culture in the first place. Past generations were all given that right to choose. Yours are the first generations to have been denied this right.

While you may think that adopting the culture for yourself in your own life would do little to fix such a massive problem of societal proportions, you’re wrong. True Western culture has its basis in Christianity and Christianity was a religious movement that started one person at a time, and as history proves it’s already revolutionized the Western world once, so don’t give up hope. Doing your part is enough along with sharing the culture with those around you.

Remember that the devils of today’s corrupt establishment can’t control you, all they can do is influence the choices you make. The problems of society ultimately comprise a collective of people making the wrong choice so fixing the problem – by offering them a different and better option – is not as hard as it seems given how most people are sensible enough to choose the best option once afforded it.

Since free will is individual, choice remains so as well – no one can take that away from you. You are empowered by your ability to choose and that alone, so choose right.

Remember, you’re not alone. It’s already been done once. History’s on your side.

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